Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tracy's Tuesday Tech Tip: How do YOU Confer?

One of my alumni students comes back every day, greets me with a hug, and pick ups his little brother. I asked him how he was doing with academics, and he said great! I have threes and fours, especially in math! I was blown away by this, and asked him how'd he begin doing so well. This student, now in seventh grade, acknowledged his tendency to be a bit chatty during elementary school, but how he recognized the importance of learning and using the time in school "smartly" so he has less homework. Smart kid! :)

We have conferences coming up tomorrow, which I find a great time to catch up with those alumni siblings, but even more parents about how students are doing in the classroom both academically and behaviorally. A great way to reflect on learning is through the use of portfolios.

Whether a Google Site, Evernote, Blackboard or other medium, portfolios can be a great tool to place all articles to save them and collectively reflect on learning. The first step is teaching ORGANIZATION to our learners, to work toward finding out what truly is their best work. Linking weekly work into a bigger showcase site works well for easy access, as well as the universal naming convention, so that work is easily alphabetized and categorized.

On the teacher side, Confer is a great way to start the conversation flowing on math, reading, behavior, or truly any subject. Make anecdotal notes about learners to target strengths and growth areas for the ease of data analysis.

Start the conversation today with your learning and colleagues on creating a digital hub of weekly and spotlight work to best showcase their learning!

What approach do you take? Share with all of us!

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